Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March goals and goal review

February goals:
  1. Continue to respect and refine my budget.  Including finding a few little ways to reduce spending a bit more.
  2. Get rid of some of the stuff I've already earmarked for removal.  List it somewhere or something!  Make a plan and do it.  Hire handyman to take care of handyman task list.
  3. Keep up with my daily housekeeping task list.
  4. Continue to make time for school, poker, reading, yarnwork, fun cooking, cultural events, etc. and give each one my all while I'm doing it.
  5. Keep various appointments with family and make some more (ex MIL and ex FIL, Dad's birthday, reschedule oldest-friend (and her birthday), San Diego cousin, Rusty and Helen, others?)
  6. Exercise every day - make sure there's some stretching (especially since I had to stop seeing the chiropractor).  Use this time to refresh my mind and consciously get rid of crap.
  7. Stick to my routines, and add new ones if necessary.  I do have enough time, but only if I use it wisely.  I even have time to watch some TV and play on the computer, if I schedule it.  But fucking off when I'm supposed to be doing something else is a failure in every way; I don't accomplish my tasks AND I don't get the full benefit of relaxing because I feel guilty for not doing what I know I should.  Keeping to routines is respecting my time, and will give me more time for other things since I will get in *proper* relaxing time and won't feel so constantly in need of it.
  8. Set up all the various doctors appointments.

Progress (scale of 1 - 10):
  1. 8 - I've got my budget pretty well dialed in.  I've done some things to cut back.  I need to cut further plus I'm sliding on a few conveniences - but compensating with other reductions.
  2. 3 - I had Salvation Army come out, but they rejected the couch and recliner... which means they've been sitting *in the rain* ever since.  Of course, if SA didn't want them no one was going to.  But now I've got a heavy couch and recliner to dispose of.  Friend is supposed to pick up the mattress - I'll keep nagging until she does.  Everything else is still where it was.  Blech.
  3. 5 - Mom came out for a day, so I got the whole house clean.  Now I just have to keep it up.
  4. 5 - Time is always an issue.  But I seem to be fitting almost everything in right now.  Sometimes it takes a shoehorn, but it's in there.
  5. 3 - I kept the ones I had, but only made one more.  And yet, my whole month is booked already.
  6. 2 - I slacked off too much in February.
  7. 5 - My routines fell by the wayside a lot.
  8. 5 - Well I've got most of them scheduled.

March Goals:
  1. Stick to budget.  Dial in new with holdings and allocate extra to debt-reduction.
  2. Get xDH to either do the handyman list or not.  6 months of waiting is too much.  If he says no, find a local guy that I trust to neither steal from me nor hit on me and book him.
  3. Do the housekeeping, damnit
  4. Focus on poker and school.  Other hobbies can wait for now.  Except some fun cooking on weekends.  Use mom's pasta roller, and new ravioli press.
  5. Set ONE family/friend appointment for April.
  6. Exercise 3 mornings a week before work, and 30 minutes on weekend.  Step Aerobics at a minimum.
  7. Stick to schedules
  8. Schedule eye doctor appointment
  9. Take 2 CLEPs, schedule 2 more for April, research study guides for additional 5 subjects.
  10. Get in 3 poker sessions per week, sticking to review-before-play rules.  Give complete focus while playing - emphasizing correct play and note taking, rather than winrate.

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